Joint Pain is a common problem which can have a wide range of possible causes; however, the most common causes are injury or Arthritis.
Joint Pain may affect one or more joints and can include knee pain (the most frequently damaged joint), inflammation of the joint lining (a condition called traumatic synovitis), Gout or pseudogout (both are types of arthritis), damage to cartilage, or bleeding into the joint (known as haemarthrosis).
Pain in many joints may be a result of Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriatic Arthritis, viral infections that cause Arthritis, or diseases of the connective tissue.
Treatments for Joint Pain
As Joint Pain can have a wide number of causes, treatments can vary significantly from cases to case. In many cases, treatment will focus on managing the underlying cause of Joint Pain; however, pain management is also a significant consideration.
Depending on the cause of Joint Pain, painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs, alongside hot and cold compresses and rest, may be considered.
Medical Cannabis Treatment
A significant proportion of medical cannabis studies aim to assess the pain-relieving potential of these medicines. Research has shown that medical cannabis can be useful for pain reduction and management.
The Wellford Medical Clinics specialises in medical cannabis treatment for pain management. Our specialist clinicians assess every case carefully to provide relevant and meaningful advice and treatment.